A Quizbook of Jewish Trivia Facts & Fun



There are many rules and traditions regarding the Chanukkiah, or Chanukkah menorah. For example, candles are placed in the Chanukkiah from right to left, but they are lit from left to right (lighting the newest candle first). Also, the candles are supposed to be in a straight line, not in a semicircle, and the height of each candle should be the same (NOTE: That makes RASHI, RAMBAM and RAMALAMADINGDONG'S moose menorah a non-kosher menorah. But still a very cool Chanukkiah!). What is the maximum height a Chanukkiah can be, and why?

Moose Menorah by Mark D. Zimmerman

A. 36 feet, representing the 36 righteous people, or Lamed-Vavniks.

B. 18 feet, which represents Chai, the word for life, that numerically is the equivalent of 18.

C. There is no maximum height for a Chanukkiah.

D. 40 feet, representing the number of years the Israelites wandered through the desert.

E. 32 feet, because the Chanukkiah is supposed to be seen, and that’s about the highest that most people see when they look up.

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