A Quizbook of Jewish Trivia Facts & Fun
Ben & Jerry’s announced that it will no longer sell its ice cream products in the West Bank and Gaza, noting that selling in the occupied territories would be inconsistent with the brand’s liberal and social justice values. The ice cream will continue to be sold in Israel proper. Ben & Jerry’s first came to Israel over 30 years ago, when Israeli entrepreneur Avi Zinger flew to Vermont and met with co-founder Ben Cohen to make an agreement. The Israeli production plant is one of only two locations outside the United States, and produces ice cream for most of the European market. Among the company’s products have been two kosher for Passover flavors available only in Israel–Matzah Crunch (vanilla mixed with bits of chocolate-coated matzah) and Charoset (creamy vanilla ice cream with a swirl of charoset). There has been huge criticism in Israel and in the Jewish community over Ben & Jerry’s decision to not sell in the occupied territories, including calls to boycott the company, though some in the Jewish community support the change, saying that it is a political statement about Israel and the Palestinians, but not an anti-Semitic action or a BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) effort. Which Ben & Jerry’s flavor has not caught on in Israel despite the efforts of Avi Zinger to sell the flavor?
Ben & Jerry's by Q Family is licensed under CC BY 2.0
A. Colin Kaepernick’s Change the Whirled (Caramel Non-Dairy Frozen Dessert With Fudge Chips, Graham Cracker Swirls & Chocolate Cookie Swirls), because Israelis are generally not supportive of Kaepernick’s protest tactics.
B. Cherry Garcia (Cherry Ice Cream with Cherries & Fudge Flakes), because Israelis simply did not like the taste.
C. Karamel Sutra Core (Chocolate & Caramel Ice Creams with Fudge Chips & a Soft Caramel Core), because Orthodox Jews thought it would be inappropriate to eat ice cream named after a text with religious and sexual overtones.
D. White Russian (Coffee Ice Cream with Kahlua Coffee Liqueur), because Israelis of Russian descent want nothing to do with their former country.
E. Yummy Kippers (Vanilla Ice Cream Dotted with Small Pieces of Herring), which did not sell because it reminded people of the biggest fast day of the year, not to mention that it sounds disgusting.
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