A Quizbook of Jewish Trivia Facts & Fun

Greta Thunberg


Greta Thunberg is the young Swedish environmental activist who first gained fame in 2018 when she called for student strikes demanding climate action. She spread her message on social media and went on to address the World Economic Forum in Davos, the European Parliament, and national legislatures in Italy, France, the United States, and elsewhere. At the 2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference she excoriated world leaders for their disregard of the seriousness of the problem, exclaiming “How dare you!” Photographs of Thunberg are now being seen around Israel as part of a growing protest. What is the cause for which Greta Thunberg’s disapproving visage with the “How dare you” message has played a prominent role?

Greta Thunberg 02 by Anders Hellberg is licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0

A. The pictures are appearing in workplace kitchens at offices including the Associated Press, Wix, and other companies, to shame workers who use disposable plastic flatware.

B. The pictures are appearing at Israeli beaches to shame beachgoers who are leaving their plastic and aluminum bottles and other garbage on the sand.

C. The pictures are appearing at hotels, inns, and tourist sites around Lake Kineret, which is polluted with record high levels of waste discharge from industrial and agricultural sources. The hope is to shame industrial farmers and manufacturers who have not done enough to reduce the environmental impact of their businesses.

D. The pictures are appearing outside bars and nightclubs in areas frequented by young Israelis, and also in religious neighborhoods. They are intended to shame smokers who toss their cigarette butts on the ground.

E. The pictures are appearing outside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s house and office to shame him for recycling into his government many politicians who are criminals, racists, homophobes, and theocrats (including Itamar Ben Gvir, Avi Maoz, and Bezalel Smotrich, though Aryeh Deri was moved from the recycling bin to the garbage can at the last moment under court order).

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