The Israeli company On-Track Solutions saw its stock jump by as much as 75% last Wednesday after Apple announced the iPhone 6, Apple Pay, and Apple Watch. What does On-Track Solutions make that led to the rise in its stock price?

A. The company makes products for the Orthodox community. One product is ShabbatGuard, that will automatically turn off the Apple Watch a half hour before Shabbat, disabling it until one hour after sunset on Saturday.
B. In 2010, they created a security camera that is placed in apple orchards in Israel to detect thieves, as the theft of apples is common in advance of Rosh Hashanah, when there is great demand. The camera is called "Apple Watch," and Apple announced that they will be buying On-Track Solutions in order to obtain rights to use that name for their new watch.
C. The company makes software called ShekelPay, which will enable iPhones to pay for items in Israeli shekels, which is not a currency that is supported directly by the Apple Pay software.
D. Apple Pay is only designed to work with the new iPhone 6. On-Track Solutions makes a product call WAVE, which is a device that plugs into older models of the iPhone, enabling them to use the Apple Pay system to purchase goods.
E. On-Track makes software called ReverseTrack, which will replace the Roman numerals on the Apple Watch with Hebrew letters, and it will cause the hands to rotate in reverse, as Hebrew is read from right to left.