RASHI, RAMBAM and CHANUKKAH-MADINGDONG: A Quizbook of Chanukkah Trivia Facts & Fun

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Israel is considering a change to their Basic Laws (similar to a Constitution) to specify that Israel is the “nation-state of the Jewish people” rather than “a Jewish and democratic” state. Another of Israel's Basic Laws is called the Freedom of Occupation law. What does this law guarantee?
A. It guarantees the right of Israel to occupy any land which historically was part of Biblical Israel.
B. It guarantees the right of Israelis to engage in any occupation of his or her choosing.
C. Based upon the Occupy Wall Street movement, this law ensures the right of all Israelis to peacefully protest in public places.
D. It guarantees the right of Israel to occupy and destroy any house inhabited by a person found to have committed a terrorist act.
E. It allows El Al Airlines to provide unisex bathrooms on their airplanes, despite the efforts by the religious community to require men and women to occupy separate bathrooms.