The Summer Olympic Games have begun in Brazil, which is the site of the oldest synagogue in the western hemisphere, founded in Recife, Brazil in 1636. The synagogue, Kahal Tzur Yisrael (Sinagoga Zur Israel in Portuguese), was founded by Spanish and Portuguese Jews who came to Brazil from the Netherlands, where their descendants had previously migrated to escape the forced conversions of the Inquisition. They were joined by New Christians already living in Brazil, a community which comprised descendants of Sephardic Jews who had converted to Catholicism. The synagogue served a community of more than 1400 Jews, and was led by a rabbi, Isaac Aboab da Fonseca, and a cantor, Josue Velosino, but only existed for about twenty years. The building, which included a mikvah, was torn down in the early 20th century, but a Jewish museum now stands on the site. The street where the synagogue was located was known at one time as Rua dos Judeus, Street of the Jews, but now carries what name?
Vanderlei Cordeiro de Lima lights cauldron by U.S. Armyis licensed under CC BY 2.0.
A. Rua do Povo de Israel, Street of the People of Israel.
B. Rua do Cruz, Street of the Cross.
C. Rua do Sinagoga, Street of the Synagogue.
D. Rua do Bom Jesus, Street of Good Jesus.
E. Rua do Bossa Nova Lox, Street of the Dancing Salmon.