Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was in the news last week, as she suffered three broken ribs from a fall in her office. What is unique about the chambers of Justice Ginsburg in the Supreme Court building?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg official portrait
A. Justice Ginsburg’s chambers is the only room in the Supreme Court building where a seder has been held. In 2007, the court was scheduled to meet on the day of the first seder. Knowing that the session would run relatively late in the day, Justice Ginsburg offered to host a “mini seder” in her chambers, which was attended by the Jewish court clerks, Justice Ginsburg, and the other Jewish justice serving at that time, Stephen Breyer.
B. While some other justices have a copy of the Ten Commandments on their wall, only Justice Ginsburg has a copy of the Ten Commandments with the wording and numbering according to Jewish tradition.
C. The chambers of Justice Ginsburg is the only room in the Supreme Court where a minyan has met. In 2015, one of the lawyers arguing before the court was in a bind, because he was saying shiva for his father, and the court session was running late. The attorney approached the judges and asked if it might be possible to take a fifteen minute break, and his request was granted. Between the lawyers and the court employees present, there were enough Jews for a minyan, and Justice Ginsburg offered her chambers as a site for the service.
D. Justice Ginsburg’s chambers is the only room in the Supreme Court building with a mezuzah.
E. Justice Ginsburg’s chambers is the only room in the Supreme Court building with a doctor on 24 hour standby, paid for by the Democratic National Committee.